Coraline JORTAY

Coraline JORTAY2021-10-14T12:45:10+02:00

In 2020/2021 Coraline Jortay, PhD in Languages, Literature and Translation Studies (ULB), was granted a Wiener-Anspach postdoctoral fellowship to undertake a research project entitled “You, (Un)gendered: Literary Fates of China’s Most Popular ‘Useless’ Pronoun (1927-1956)”, under the supervision of Dr Jennifer Altehenger (Faculty of History, University of Oxford).

1011, 2021

Sinophone literature and linguistic history in focus: An interview with Coraline Jortay on research and translation

In 2020/2021 Coraline Jortay (PhD in Languages, Literature and Translation Studies, ULB), was granted a Wiener-Anspach postdoctoral fellowship at the University of Oxford, where she undertook a research project entitled “You, (Un)gendered: Literary Fates of China’s Most Popular ‘Useless’ Pronoun (1927-1956)”, under the supervision of Dr Jennifer Altehenger (Faculty [...]

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