From left: Didier Viviers, Kristin Bartik and Luc Lemaire

The Foundation is run by a Board of Trustees, composed by no less than three and no more than fifteen members. The rector of the ULB is an ex officio member of the board.

  • President: Professor Didier Viviers
  • Vice-President: Professor Luc Lemaire
  • Executive Director: Professor Kristin Bartik.

The Foundation also has a Scientific Board whose President is Professor Luc Lemaire.

The Scientific Board selects the recipients of the grants and fellowships.

Alongside the Executive Director, the members of the Board of Trustees with a high level of financial management competence compose the Finance Committee.

The Executive Board of the Foundation is composed of the President of the Foundation, the President of the Scientific Board and the Executive Director. The Executive Board reviews the applications for the other funding requests.