From left: Didier Viviers, Kristin Bartik and Luc Lemaire
The Foundation is run by a Board of Trustees, composed by no less than three and no more than fifteen members. The rector of the ULB is an ex officio member of the board.
- President: Professor Didier Viviers
- Vice-President: Professor Luc Lemaire
- Executive Director: Professor Kristin Bartik.
The Foundation also has a Scientific Board whose President is Professor Luc Lemaire.
The Scientific Board selects the recipients of the grants and fellowships.
Alongside the Executive Director, the members of the Board of Trustees with a high level of financial management competence compose the Finance Committee.
The Executive Board of the Foundation is composed of the President of the Foundation, the President of the Scientific Board and the Executive Director. The Executive Board reviews the applications for the other funding requests.
The Board of Trustees is composed of the following members:
Name | Function | Profile |
Didier Viviers | President | Permanent Secretary of the Académie royale de Belgique and Professor of History (Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ULB) |
Luc Lemaire | Vice-President | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics (Faculty of Sciences, ULB) |
Annemie Schaus | Ex officio Trustee | Rector of the ULB and Professor of Public Law (Faculty of Law and Criminology, ULB) |
Kristin Bartik | Executive Director | Professor of Molecular Engineering (Brussels School of Engineering, ULB) |
Graeme Barker | Trustee | Emeritus Professor of Archaeology (St John’s College, University of Cambridge) |
Benoît Daenen | Trustee | Lecturer (Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, ULB) |
Eric De Keuleneer | Trustee | Economist, Emeritus President of the ULB and Executive Director of the Fondation Universitaire |
Michel Goldman | Trustee | Director of I3Health (Institute for Interdisciplinary Innovation in healthcare), Faculty of Medicine, ULB |
Kim Oosterlinck | Trustee | Director of the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium and Professor of Finance at the Solvay Brussels School of Economics and Management, ULB |
Christina Redfield | Trustee | Professor of Molecular Biophysics (Wolfson College, University of Oxford) |
Jean Spreutels | Trustee | Honorary President of the Constitutional Court of Belgium, Honorary Professor of Criminal Law (Faculty of Law and Criminology, ULB) and Wiener-Anspach Alumnus |
Philippa Watson | Trustee | Professor of Law at City (University of London) and Barrister at Essex Court Chambers |
Anne Weyembergh | Trustee | Professor of Law at the Institute for European Studies and at the Faculty of Law and Criminology, and Vice-Rector for External Relations and Development Cooperation, ULB |
Fernand Wiener | Trustee | Consultant and descendant of the Wiener family |
The Scientific Board is composed of the following members:
Name | Profile |
Luc Lemaire | President of the Scientific Board. Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, ULB |
Valérie André | Professor, Department of Languages and Letters, Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication, ULB, and F.R.S-FNRS Research Director |
Kristin Bartik | Professor of Molecular Engineering, Brussels School of Engineering, ULB |
Laurent Bavay | Professor of Egyptian Archaeology, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ULB |
Axel Cleeremans | Professor of Cognitive Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, ULB, and F.R.S-FNRS Research Director |
Olivier Corten | Professor of International Law, Faculty of Law and Criminology, ULB |
Pascal Delwit | Professor of Political Sciences, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ULB |
Pierre Desmarez | Professor of Sociology, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ULB |
Simone Gutt | Emeritus Professor of Mathematics, Faculty of Sciences, ULB |
Véronique Kruys | Professor, Unit of Molecular Biology, Faculty of Sciences, ULB |
Xavier Luffin | Professor of Arabic Language and Literature, Faculty of Letters, Translation and Communication, ULB |
Laurence Roudart | Professor of Agricultural Development, Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences, ULB |
Philippa Watson | Professor of Law at City, University of London, and Barrister at Essex Court Chambers |
Administrative Officer
For more information on fellowships and grants, you can contact Andréanne Lafrance:
ULB – Campus du Solbosch – Building P2 – Room P2.2.116
Tel. : +32 {0}2 650 27 16
Email: fwa@ulb.be
Office hours: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday 9.30 am – 1.30 pm.
Communications and Alumni Officer
Francesca Spinelli can be reached by phone or email:
Tel. : +32 {0}2 650 33 37
Email: fwa.relations@ulb.be
Office hours: every day 9.00-13.00 (Friday until 12.00).
Registered office and mailing address
Fondation Wiener – Anspach
Institut d’Etudes européennes de l’Université libre de Bruxelles
Avenue Franklin Roosevelt 39 – CP 172
B-1050 Bruxelles