The Foundation, after evaluation of the request, can help cover travel and accommodation expenses of:
- Academics and researchers from the Universities of Cambridge or Oxford who have been invited to participate in conferences or seminars organised by the ULB
- Academics and researchers from the ULB who have been invited to participate in conferences or seminars organised by the Universities of Cambridge or Oxford
Applications are examined by the Executive Board of the Foundation.
Maximum one request per applicant (either as the inviting or the invited person) can be funded per calendar year.
To invite someone to Oxbridge, please attach:
- a letter which defines the context of the invitation
- the title and the abstract of the conference/seminar
- date and venue of the conference/seminar
- a short description of the expected audience
- the CV of the speaker
- a budget stating travel and accommodation costs
To reply to an invitation coming from the ULB, please attach:
- a letter from your colleague at the ULB which defines the context of the invitation
- the title and the abstract of the conference/seminar
- date and venue of the conference/seminar
- your CV
- a budget stating travel and accommodation costs
After the event, recipients have to submit a report, along with the supporting documents required for reimbursement. The report could be published on the website of the Foundation.
Applications must be sent at least two months prior to the event by email (please merge all documents into one single PDF): fwa@ulb.be
For more information, you contact us at 02 650 27 16 or fwa@ulb.be.