The Foundation awards postdoctoral grants of maximum 24 months to researchers who have obtained their PhD from Cambridge or their DPhil from Oxford and who wish to carry out research at the ULB, as well as to researchers who have obtained their Doctorate from the ULB and who wish to carry out research at the University of Cambridge or Oxford.

These fellowships – called “bourses de mobilité” – are granted in line with the Foundation’s objective, which is to promote and strengthen the ties between the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.

They are open to researchers in all fields of research.

The 2025-2027 call for applications is now closed. The 2026-2028 call for applications will be launched in December 2025, but you will find below some preliminary information.

If you have any questions, please contact Andréanne Lafrance (0032 2 650 27 16 /