Marie-Alix Bilgischer

MA in Art History and Archaeology (ULB)

Marie-Alix Bilgischer

MA in Art History and Archaeology (ULB)

Marie-Alix has undertaken an MPhil in Heritage Studies at the University of Cambridge.

Manon Couvignou

PhD in Psychology (ULB)

Manon Couvignou

PhD in Psychology (ULB)

Manon is carrying out a second year of research on a project titled “The dyslexic brain: out of time but in tune? Behavioural and neurophysiological signatures of musical impairments in development dyslexia”.

Cambridge supervisor: Prof. Usha Goswami (Department of Psychology).

Pamela Gitani

MA in Linguistics (ULB)

Pamela Gitani

MA in Linguistics (ULB)

Pamela has undertaken an MPhil in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics at the University of Cambridge.

Barpougouni Mardjoua

PhD in Art of Building and Urbanism (ULB/Université d’Abomey-Calavi).

Barpougouni Mardjoua

PhD in Art of Building and Urbanism (ULB/Université d’Abomey-Calavi)

Barpougouni is carrying out a research project titled “Remote sensing and study of archaeological sites in Banikoara, Nikki and Zugu-Wangara (Northern Benin)”.

Cambridge supervisor: Prof. Paul Lane (Department of Archaeology).

Daniel Naegels

PhD in Theoretical Physics (ULB)

Daniel Naegels

PhD in Theoretical Physics (ULB)

Daniel is carrying out a second year of research on a project titled “Spontaneous symmetry breaking for cosmological inflation”.

Cambridge supervisor: Prof. Enrico Pajer (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics).

Fadia Panosetti

PhD in Political and Social Sciences (ULB)

Fadia Panosetti

PhD in Political and Social Sciences (ULB)

Fadia is carrying out a second year of research on a project titled “Export-oriented agricultural clusters, agribusiness development and the transformation of rural communities’ land tenure and livehood systems in Israel/Palestine. The case of avocado plantation in Qalqilya”.

Cambridge supervisors: Dr Emma Mawdsley and Dr Mezna Qato (Margaret Anstee Centre for Global Studies).

Arthur Péquin

PhD in Engineering Science and Technology (ULB)

Arthur Péquin

PhD in Engineering Science and Technology (ULB)

Arthur is carrying out a research project titled “Semi-supervised learning generative models for MILD combustion”.

Cambridge supervisor: Prof. Nedunchezhian Swaminathan (Department of Engineering).

Fabio Pino

PhD in Engineering Science and Technology (ULB)

Fabio Pino

PhD in Engineering Science and Technology (ULB)

Fabio is carrying out a research project titled “Modelling and Stability Analysis of Liquid Film in Pulsating Heat Pipes”.

Cambridge supervisor: Prof. Richard Kerswell (Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics).

Charlotte Vandendriessche

PhD in Cognitive Psychology (ULB/ENS Paris)

Charlotte Vandendriessche

PhD in Cognitive Psychology (ULB/ENS Paris).

Charlotte is carrying out a research project titled “Evolutionary Perspectives on ADHD Traits among BaYaka Hunter-Gatherers of the Republic of Congo: A Fieldwork Study”.

Cambridge supervisor: Dr Nikhil Chaudhary (Department of Archaeology).