Alumni news

You will find here all the news related to our former Fellows. Do not hesitate to inform our Communications Officer, Francesca Spinelli (, about your activities, publications…

19 12, 2022

FNRS Incentive grants for scientific research: Nathalie Brack, Corentin Caudron and Guillaume Schweicher among the selected researchers

2022-12-19T13:44:16+01:0019 December 2022|

On December 13, the FNRS awarded its Incentive grants for scientific research to thirteen researchers, including six from the Université libre de Bruxelles. Among the latter are Wiener-Anspach Alumni  Nathalie Brack, Corentin Caudron and Guillaume Schweicher. Nathalie Brack, Assistant Professor at the Department of Political Science, was selected for [...]

12 12, 2022

Roy Lavendomme receives the Incentive Award from the Comité de Gestion du Bulletin des Sociétés chimiques belges

2023-02-13T10:12:04+01:0012 December 2022|

Roy Lavendomme (right) at the Incentive Awards ceremony (Blankenberge, October 2022). Our Alumnus Roy Lavendomme is one of the two young researchers in chemistry who received the 2022 Incentive Award from the C.G.B.-C.B.B. (Management Committee of the Bulletin of the Belgian Chemical Societies). The award ceremony took [...]

25 11, 2022

“Migration control in practice”, a book bringing together our Alumni Federica Infantino and Ahmed Hamila and our Fellow Anissa Maâ

2022-11-25T12:48:53+01:0025 November 2022|

“Most debate on migration policies in Europe pay little attention to the ways that day-to-day practices shape the reality of migration control. The notion of ‘a gap’ typically describes the relationship between migration policies on paper and in practice, implying that something simply goes wrong when policies are put [...]

12 10, 2022

Visit to the International Carnival and Mask Museum in Binche

2023-04-11T11:07:22+02:0012 October 2022|

On Saturday 8 October 2022, the Wiener-Anspach Alumni Network organised a visit to the International Carnival and Mask Museum in Binche, directed by our Alumna Clémence Mathieu. A Wiener-Anspach Postdoctoral Fellow in Cambridge in 2012-2013, Clémence has been running this unique institution since 2017. She guided a tour through [...]

4 10, 2022

Ancient Mediterranean Digital Project, a new database designed by our Alumna Tzveta Manolova

2022-10-04T12:25:13+02:004 October 2022|

Tzveta Manolova, DPhil in Archaeology (University of Oxford), has just completed a two-year Wiener-Anspach fellowship at the Université libre de Bruxelles, where she worked with Prof. Athena Tsingarida (CreA-Patrimoine). Her project –  "Protohistoric Eastern Mediterranean Ships Digital Project (1500-600 B.C.)" – led to the creation of an open access [...]

23 09, 2022

Meet our Alumna Clémence Mathieu, Director of the International Carnival and Mask Museum in Binche

2023-02-13T10:19:02+01:0023 September 2022|

Photo: Frédéric Raevens On Saturday 8 October 2022, the Wiener-Anspach Alumni Network organised a visit to the International Carnival and Mask Museum in Binche, directed by our Alumna Clémence Mathieu. A Wiener-Anspach Postdoctoral Fellow in Cambridge in 2012-2013, Clémence granted us this interview, published in our 2022 Activity [...]

14 09, 2022

An article, a conference and a new grant for our Fellow Julie Dainville

2022-09-14T11:35:28+02:0014 September 2022|

Julie Dainville, PhD in Languages, Literature and Translation Studies (ULB), is currently a Wiener-Anspach Fellow in Oxford, where she is carrying out a research project entitled “Ancient rhetorical theory in papyrological sources” under the supervision of Dr Daniela Colomo (Faculty of Classics). During her research stay, she has co-authored with [...]

14 07, 2022

Parallel lives: from Brussels to Cambridge, the brilliant journey of our Alumnae Camille Terfve and Amélie Deblauwe

2022-07-14T10:56:44+02:0014 July 2022|

It is a happy coincidence that two former Wiener-Anspach Fellows – who left Brussels to study in Cambridge in the same year and ended up working there – are featured in two recently published articles. In 2009-2010 Camille Terfve was granted a Wiener-Anspach postgraduate fellowship to complete an MPhil [...]

30 06, 2022

A month rich in academic appointments for the Wiener-Anspach Foundation’s Alumni

2022-07-05T12:41:53+02:0030 June 2022|

We were delighted to learn that in June several Wiener-Anspach Alumni were appointed to the following academic positions. Six of them have obtained a FNRS Postdoctoral Researcher Fellowship: David Bauman (PhD in Biology and 2018-2020 Postodoctoral Fellow in Oxford) with a project entitled “Tropical tree growth sensitivity to climate and neighbourhood [...]

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