The Wiener-Anspach Foundation is pleased to present its Activity Report for 2022, a year that marked the long-awaited return of in-person activities: the Ganshof van der Meersch Chair, held by Professor Paul Betts (University of Oxford), as well as the visit to the International Carnival and Mask Museum, organised by the Alumni Network. As always, the Reports presents current Wiener-Anspach Fellows and research projects supported by the Foundation. In the Alumni section, Paul Earlie pays a touching tribute to the late Belgian philosopher Michel Meyer (1950-2022), who was his host promoter at the Université libre de Bruxelles.

We would like to thank His Excellency Martin Shearman, British Ambassador to Belgium, for his warm support to the Foundation. The photographs illustrating the cover and summary of this Report were taken during the reception in honour of the Foundation’s Fellows, hosted by Ambassador Shearman in his Residence on 22 September 2022.