The Wiener-Anspach Foundation warmly congratulates its Alumnus Petar Markovic on his appointment as Head of the Mission of Montenegro to the European Union. Announced in July 2021, when he was Policy Leader Fellow at the European University Institute in Fiesole, his appointment was formalised at the end of September.

“At 35, Markovic will be one of the youngest heads of mission in town”, wrote Politico in its Brussels Playbook of October 25. ”He is expected to portray his country as a frontrunner to join the bloc, and set out as his main task ‘overseeing the final stage of Montenegro’s EU accession with a renewed commitment to rule of law.’”

In 2017/2018 Petar Markovic, then a PhD student in Political Science at the Institute of European Studies in Brussels, was granted a Wiener-Anspach Fellowship to carry out a year of research at the University of Oxford, under the supervision of Prof. Kalypso Nicolaïdis (Department of Politics and International Relations). His research focused on the European Union’s democratic deficit and transnational civic culture (a topic discussed in this 2018 video interview).

An excellent pianist, Petar Markovic has offered us some unforgettable musical moments in the past. We hope to have the pleasure of meeting him soon in Brussels!

Wiener-Anspach Fellows’ Meeting, Brussels, 12 September 2018 (photo by Pietro Bruni).