Chair 2010 – 2011

© Fondation Wiener – Anspach
In 2010-2011 the Chair Ganshof van der Meersch was held by Professor Guy Goodwin-Gill, Senior Research Fellow and Professor of International Refugee Law at the University of Oxford, on the recommendation of Dr Philippe de Bruycker, from the Law Section of the Institute for European studies.
The topic of the course was “Principles of Refugee Law”. The opening lecture, delivered on February 16, 2011, was entitled “The Right to Seek Asylum: Interception at Sea and the Principle of Non-Refoulement“.
The other lectures were scheduled as follows:
- 22 February:
Protection - 23 February:
Non-Refoulement - 1 March:
Asylum - 2 March:
Non-discrimination - 8 March:
Solutions - 9 March: