Chaire 2016 – 2017
In 2016/2017 the Ganshof van der Meersch Chair was held by Andrew Arsan, University Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History at the University of Cambridge, on the recommendation of Pieter Lagrou, Professor of Contemporary History at the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences.
The public lecture, entitled “Integration and Intervention: Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle East, c.1815-2016”, was delivered on March 21st, 2017. The other lectures were scheduled as follows:
- Monday 20 March
“Beginnings: Napoleon’s Expedition to Egypt and the Birth of the Eastern Question, 1798-1815” - Tuesday 21 March
“Integration and Intervention: Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle East, c. 1815-2016” - Wednesday 22 March
“The Greek War of Independence and Anglo-French rivalry in the Eastern Mediterranean, c.1821-1839” - Wednesday 22 March
“The Crimean War and the Beginnings of Managed Sovereignty, 1854-1860” - Thursday 23 March
“Humanitarian Intervention in the Ottoman Empire, c.1860-1898” - Friday 24 March
“Debt, Intervention and Sovereignty: European Financial Imperialism in Egypt and the Ottoman Empire, c.1876-1914” - Monday 27 March
“The Paris Peace Conference and the Mandates System, 1919-1948” - Monday 27 March
“The United Nations and the Question of Palestine, 1948-67” - Tuesday 28 March
“Endings: European Integration and the Question of Middle Eastern Disorder, 1956-2016”