As part of the ULB-Oxford research project “Symbolism and decadence as world literature”, the Université libre de Bruxelles will host the conference “Worlding symbolism/Les mondes du symbolisme. Textes, images, objects” from Thursday 17 to Saturday 18 May (see programme).

Led by Wiener-Anspach Alumnus Clément Dessy (ULB), Stefano Maria Evangelista and Patrick McGuinness (Oxford University), this project is one of the nine collaborations supported by the Fondation Wiener-Anspach for the period 2022-2024. This is the third event to be organised as part of the project. The inaugural conference, titled “Geographies of Symbolism – Symbolist Geographies”, was held at the University of Oxford in October 2022. In June 2023, the Academia Belgica in Rome hosted the workshop “Travelling with symbolism”.

More information on this project is available on the website Symbolistworlds. Please note that the venue of the upcoming conference has changed (UD6.215). Any further change will be announced on the website.