On November 6, three ULB research centers – Atelier Genre(s) et Sexualité(s)Mondes Modernes et Contemporains and the Centre interdisciplinaire d’étude des religions et de la laïcité – welcomed Martin Conway, Professor of Contemporary European History at the University of Oxford.

Invited with the support of the Fondation Wiener-Anspach, Professor Conway gave a lecture titled “A Gendered history of democracy: Men and politics in 20th century Europe”.

His research has been principally concerned with European history from the 1930s to the final decades of the 20thcentury. He is the author of several books on the history of Belgium and on the wider political history of Europe in the 20th century. He has recently begun a new project on Political Men, which seeks to problematise the forms of male political citizenship which have developed in Europe across the 20th century.