Wiener-Anspach Fellows' Meeting (Brussels, 25 September 2024).
The Vice-Chancellors of the Universities of Oxford and Cambridge, Irene Tracey and Deborah Prentice, with Anne Weyembergh, ULB Vice-Rector for External Relations and Development Cooperation (London, 1 October 2024
Guillaume Schweicher (ULB) and Deepak Venkateteshvaran (University of Cambridge), promoters of a collaborative research project suppoted by the Foundation:
First edition of the Wiener-Anspach Alumni Talks with Anne Teller and Marius Gilbert (ULB, 27 February 2024).
Matthew Collins (University of Cambridge) at his Philiippe Wiener Lecture at the ULB (14 November 2024).
Our Founder, Phyllis Beddington Wiener, with her husband Philippe.
Wiener-Anspach Fellows’ Meeting (Brussels, 22 September 2024).
The Fondation Philippe Wiener – Maurice Anspach (FWA) is a Belgian public interest organisation, whose aim is to help foster academic exchanges between the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.