Wiener-Anspach Fellows’ Meeting (Brussels, 22 September 2024).

The Fondation Philippe Wiener – Maurice Anspach (FWA) is a Belgian public interest organisation, whose aim is to help foster academic exchanges between the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Universities of Cambridge and Oxford.


Conference by Hélène Sechehaye (ULB) in Cambridge: “Moroccan Nights in Brussels: from Gnawa Rituals to Popular Weddings”

18 January 2023|

New open access publication edited by Alessandro Parente (ULB) and Nedunchezhian Swaminathan (University of Cambridge)

17 January 2023|

FNRS Incentive grants for scientific research: Nathalie Brack, Corentin Caudron and Guillaume Schweicher among the selected researchers

19 December 2022|


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