The Fondation Wiener – Anspach offers funding to support collaborative research projects in all fields, between the Université libre de Bruxelles and the Universities of Cambridge or Oxford.

The FWA grant – maximum 30,000€ for two years – can only be used for operating costs and cannot be used to pay any staff. The promoters should hold a permanent full-time position, or an equivalent long-term position, in their university. This call is not open to current promoters of FWA funded collaborative projects.

The projects are selected by the Scientific Board of the Foundation.


The application must be submitted by completing the online form. You will be requested  to upload the following annexes:

  1. A description of the research project including a targeted bibliography (8.000 signs max., including spaces).
  2. A document describing the benefits of the proposed collaboration between the ULB and Cambridge or Oxford. Any existing collaborations between the teams should be described.
  3. A description of the work environment of the promoters.
  4. The CV of the promoters (with list of publications and conference participation for the last 5 years) and, for each promoter, the list of the 5 most significant publications in the context of the project.
  5. Description and justification of the budget requested for the running costs. Please specify the operating costs in GBP or Euros (depending on the institution) and consolidate the requested budget using the fixed exchange rate of 1,13 EUR to GBP.

For all selected projects, an agreement will be signed between the FWA, the Université libre de Bruxelles and the University of Cambridge or Oxford. If you wish to see the template, please contact us at fwa@ulb.be.


Funds allocated for the operating costs can only cover the following:

  • documentation costs
  • access to databases
  • costs related to data acquisition
  • costs for laboratory/office supplies and materials
  • short term scientific missions between the two universities and organisation of collaborative workshops

The Funds may not be used to purchase any furniture or equipment of any sort, including a computer, or for publications costs and conference participation.

If a workshop is organised, funds can only be used to cover:

  • travel and accommodation expenses of Oxbridge/ULB participants (no per diem).
  • catering costs (coffee breaks/lunch/closing dinner) for a maximum of 10% of the budget requested for the organisation of the workshop.

It has been agreed with the Universities that the funds cannot be used to cover administrative fees or any indirect costs. Accordingly, no deduction can be made by the Universities or their Departments to that effect, beyond 1% of the share of the operating costs.

Selected projects could see their budget adjusted by the FWA.


The online application has to be submitted by Monday 23 June 2025 (noon Belgian time).

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact our Administrative Officer, Andréanne Lafrance, at fwa@ulb.be or + 32 650 27 16 (Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, 10am-1pm CEST).