En 2007 la Fondation a inauguré ces conférences données par des académiques de l’ULB à Cambridge et Oxford et vice-versa, dans tous les domaines.
Matthew Collins
Reading Old Manuscripts as a Biologist and Archaeologist
Matthew Reynolds
Prismatic translation
Vinciane Debaille
Meteorites in Antarctica: Archives of our solar system
Alain Goriely
Le cerveau et les mathématiques
Serge Massar
Certified quantum randomness
Mathias Dewatripont
Which protection for bank liabilities?
Christopher M. Dobson
The molecular nature of neurodegenerative diseases: from theory to therapy
Pierre Vanderhaeghen
From pluripotent stem cells to cortical circuits
Fiona Powrie
Dining out with friends: the intestinal microbiome in health and disease
Jean-victor Louis
The reform of the European Court of Justice
Nicky Clayton
Food for thought: planning of meal choices by jays and humans
Hermione Lee
From memory: literary encounters and life stories
Didier Viviers
Mind the gap! New archaeological evidence from Itanos about funerary practices in ancient Crete
Rupert Featherstone
Caravaggio uncovered
Bruno Bernard
The British Isles in Voltaire’s Essai sur les mœurs
Pierre de Maret
The god Seth: Egyptian chimera or African animal
Athéna Tsingarida
A path to modernity : the discovery of Archaïc Greek art
James Crawford
Judicial settlement of disputes involving non-state actors
Raymond Dwek
Glycobiology : leading to novel therapies for hepatitis and HIV