Chaire 2016 – 2017
En 2016/2017 la Chaire Ganshof van der Meersch a été occupée par Andrew Arsan, University Lecturer in Modern Middle Eastern History à l’Université de Cambridge, sur proposition de Pieter Lagrou.
La leçon publique, intitulée « Integration and Intervention: Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle East, c.1815-2016 », a été donnée le 21 mars 2017. Les leçons suivantes ont eu pour sujet:
- Lundi 20 mars
“Beginnings: Napoleon’s Expedition to Egypt and the Birth of the Eastern Question, 1798-1815” - Mardi 21 mars
« Integration and Intervention: Europe, the Balkans, and the Middle East, c. 1815-2016 » - Mercredi 22 mars
“The Greek War of Independence and Anglo-French rivalry in the Eastern Mediterranean, c.1821-1839” - Mercredi 22 mars
“The Crimean War and the Beginnings of Managed Sovereignty, 1854-1860” - Jeudi 23 mars
“Humanitarian Intervention in the Ottoman Empire, c.1860-1898” - Vendredi 24 mars
“Debt, Intervention and Sovereignty: European Financial Imperialism in Egypt and the Ottoman Empire, c.1876-1914” - Lundi 27 mars
“The Paris Peace Conference and the Mandates System, 1919-1948” - Lundi 27 mars
“The United Nations and the Question of Palestine, 1948-67” - Mardi 28 mars
“Endings: European Integration and the Question of Middle Eastern Disorder, 1956-2016”